Challenge: Join in ludumdare for the first time (ludumdare 37 - one room) = 37 hours in a room

It's my first time joining ludumdare. I just want to know or test myself if I could finish a game within 48 hours (compo entry). Also, the other is to gain experience (building portfolio and being able to  vote in ludumdare was a bonus).

So, when the theme was announced (ONE ROOM), I started thinking about different things: different gameplays, arts, etc. But, most importantly I thought about something I could do in 48 hours. Then I lost my excitement. I didn't know that it was that hard joining the competition. But bit by bit I started to jot down ideas using evernote. And, then I had decided to make a zombie game.

The game is a bit boring and some of the comments I received, they say that it has a horrible controls and audio. But, it still my first step and am proud that I completed it within time.

Ludumdare wallpaper that I picked from posts by Leon Mohring
Ludumdare 37 by Leon Mohring

Ludumdare entry
Play it here
Source code (messy)

First, I started making the pixelarts

Then, the gameplay

Here is the process:


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